Life Time Acheivement Award
Life Time Acheivement Award
  • The Lifetime Achievement Award is the most prestigious award presented by the California Association of Tactical Officers.  It is an occasional award, meaning that it is not given on any set schedule but rather only when an individual deserves to be recognized for achievements that encompass a lifetime of service and accomplishment.  This award is the only one not reviewed or approved by the CATO Awards Committee.  Recipients of this award must win unanimous approval of the CATO Board of Directors.  Likewise, the qualifications for this award cannot be attributed to a single act or incident and instead span a career, and often long after retirement.  The achievements of the individual must reflect the highest level of personal commitment, leadership and dedicated service to the California law enforcement tactical community.

    To date, only nine individuals have been recognized with this award.

    2023 – Lee McMillian
    2022 – Richard Odenthal
    2018 – Tim Anderson
    2017 – RK Miller
    2016 – Bill Lewis
    2011 – Mike Hillmann
    2010 – Ron McCarthy
    2009 – John Pokorny
    2008 – Charles “Sid” Heal
    2007 – Bob Smitson
    2006 – John Kolman
    2005 – Ken Hubbs
    2004 – Daryl Gates

Nominee Information
Please submit a photo of the candidate suitable for publication. In uniform is preferable.
Please provide an agency logo or badge of the candidate's organization in the highest resolution possible.
Event Information
Please let us know where we can find a video of the incident.
Your Information (or person submitting nomination)