Training Name: Tactical Operations Liability
Dates: 04/28/2025 - 04/29/2025
Venue: Island Palms Hotel & Marina
San Diego, CA 92106
Price: $250
Instructors: Eugene Ramirez
Ken Hubbs
Training Description:

This 16-hour course is designed for law enforcement command staff, supervisors, team leaders, and officers/operators.  During this course, an emphasis is placed on knowledge and skills specific to law enforcement tactical operations to maximize success while minimizing liability exposure.  Instruction consists of classroom lectures covering:

COURSE INSTRUCTORS: This course is taught by highly experienced instructors including an attorney specializing in police litigation and an expert in police practices who was formally an operator and supervisor on a large full-time SWAT team.   

LODGING: Class will begin at 0800 hours on the first day and conclude by 1700 hours on the last day.